Author: Graphis

Academy of Art University

Professor Thomas McNulty and his student Jin Fujiwara won a Gold Award for this entry to the New Talent Annual…

Advertising 2017: American South

Bill Connelly, art director at consistent Graphis award-winning agency Doe Anderson Advertising in Louisville, Kentucky, designed and submitted…

Photo Annual 2017 CFE: Jim Norton

Longtime Graphis contributor Jim Norton from Toronto, Canada, submitted the above photograph to the Photography Annual 2017….

Annual Reports 2014-2016

Graphis is excited to announce the winners of the Annual Reports 2014-2016 competition! The full list of…

LogoDesign9 CFE: CA, United States

The LogoDesign9 competition is closing TOMORROW! Here are entries from CA, United States: 1. Nate Hinz and Andrew Wetzel of Hub Strategy…

School of Visual Arts, NYC

The advertisement above was created by Seona Kim from multi-Platinum Winners Jack Mariucci and Robert Mackall‘s class. Other Professors from…

Photography 2017 CFE: Nick Hall

Nick Hall, a Graphis award-winning photographer from Washington, United States, submitted the above photograph as part of a series…

Letterhead8 CFE: United States

Kevin Cantrell and Adrian Pulfer from Utah designed the above letterhead for client Hawthorne & Wren. Other letterhead…

Advertising 2017 CFE: Germany

Grabarz & Partner, based in Hamburg, designed the above campaign for their client, Robin Wood e.V. Other…

New Talent 2017 CFE: Posters

Above is a poster designed in Theron Moore‘s class at California State University, Fullerton by Matt Pence…

Letterhead 8 CFE: United States

Based in Utah, Kevin Cantrell designed the above letterhead for his client JDS Development Group. Other letterhead designers…

LogoDesign9 CFE: Transportation

1. Keith Harris from Keith Harris Design created a logo for their client Flugsportverein Andelsbuch. 2. John Fairley from Splash Worldwide designed a logo…