Tag: Advertising

Opening the Gate to Good Work: David Bernstein and The Gate Featured in Journal 370

This week, the work of Chief Creative Officer David Bernstein and design firm The Gate is highlighted…

Print vs. Video Advertisements: This Week’s Newest Advertising 2022 Entries

Print and video mediums provide the perfect launching pads for this week’s diverse Advertising 2022 entries! The…

Creative Thinking: New Advertising Annual 2022 Entries Think Outside the Box

A new week, a new selection of entries from our Advertisement Annual 2022 competition to showcase. This…

Advertising Inspiration: New Entries for Advertising Annual 2022

Happy (belated) 4th of July to our American Graphis readers! We hope you had a happy, relaxing…

Advertising Winners and Contenders: 2021 Gold Winner and a New 2022 Entry

It’s a given that advertisements need to be catchy and unique. If not, companies can’t spread their…

The Art of Promotion: 2021 Advertising Annual Winners

For advertisers, it’s their job to create campaigns that persuade the public to buy something, travel somewhere,…

Simple Reigns Supreme: 2021 Advertising Annual Winners

A new week means more Platinum and Gold winners from our 2021 Advertising Annual. Taking basic concepts…

Cleaning Up the Competition: Advertising Annual 2021 Winners

Another week, another opportunity to show off more of last year’s advertising competition Platinum, Gold, and Silver…

Design Team to the Stars: FBC Design Featured in Journal #369

Have you ever looked at an advertisement for your favorite TV show and wondered who came up…

Advertising 101: Platinum, Gold, and Silver Winners of the 2021 Advertising Annual

Happy Memorial Day! In wake of today, Graphis would like to remember those who have served in…

Change is Constant: Favorite Ad Campaigns Highlight New Beginnings

Lifestyle is defined as a way in which a person lives, and each person’s lifestyle is unique….

Water by the Stone Road: Two New Packaging 10 Designs

Happy (belated) Mother’s Day! Though only one product this week is specifically marketed to moms, this week’s…