Tag: Germany

Nudes: Photographers Phil Marco, Lennette Newell (US) and Klaus Kampert (Germany) Play with Moral Dichotomies

Graphis dedicates this week’s photography spotlight to the works of these fine photographers

Nudes: New Entries from Marc Safran, Hậu Lê, and Klaus Klampert Display Their Sensually Humanist Side

Nudes from Marc Safran, Hậu Lê, and Klaus Klampert are the focus of Graphis’ weekly nude feature.

Poster: Ariane Spanier, Gunter Rambow & more from Germany

Ariane Spanier of Berlin, Germany designed the above poster (left) for an art exhibition at the Kunsthalle…

Branding: KMS Team GmbH & more from Germany

Munich-based KMS Team GmbH’s Branding6 Gold Award-winning work above was designed by Knut Maierhofer, Founder and Managing Partner,…

Poster: Fons Hickmann m23, Gunter Rambow & more from Germany

Fons Hickmann of Berlin, Germany submitted the above poster (left) to our current Poster Annual 2019 competition….

Poster: Matthias Hofmann, Fons Hickmann & more from Western Europe

The Poster above (left) was submitted to our Poster Annual 2019 competition by Matthias Hofmann of hofmann.to in Luzern,…

Design Annual 2017 CFE Submissions: Germany

The Design Annual 2017 Competition is still accepting entries! Bernd Vollmöller from Bernd Vollmöller Kommunikationsdesign designed the editorial above for Sal. Oppenheim jr….

Poster Annual 2017 International Spotlight Submissions: Germany

     Graphis Master Gunter Rambow and Multi-Platinum award-winning designer Fons Hickmann, both based in Germany, keep submitting…

Logo Design 9: International Submissions

International Submissions:   Submissions to the Graphis Logo Design 9 Competition continue to impress the design community with…

Logo Design 9: International Submissions

 International Submissions:    The Graphis Logo Design Competition is starting to come alive! The above international images…

Photography Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Germany

  A. Tamboly from Germany shot “Blue Man” to create a male beauty portrait with a dark ambience,…

Annual Report 2014-2015 Spotlight: Western Europe

Agency: B.I.G. Prague Client: Czech Group  Designer: Pavel Rakusan The Annual Reports designs of  B.I.G Prague and Ivity join…