Author: Graphis

Type: Entries from McCandliss & Campbell, Hong Won Choi & more from NY, US

The above typography design was submitted to our Typography4: Type in Use competition by Trevett McCandliss and…

Poster: Jisuke Matsuda, Mayumi Kato, Yusuke Sano & more from Japan

The colorful poster above (left) won a Platinum Award in Poster Annual 2016. Designed by Jisuke Matsuda of…

Photo: Colin Faulkner, Pierre Bourjo & more from Canada

The photograph above (left) was submitted to the Photography Annual 2015 competition by Colin Faulkner and won…

Nudes5: Brian Cummings, Kimberly Lennex & more from the Midwest

Photographer Brian Cummings of St Louis, MO shot the above portrait (left) as part of a series titled…

Branding: Creative Punch & more from Lebanon

The above entry was submitted by Designers Diane Farran, Joumana Sader, and Sandy Farhat of Creative Punch in Beirut,…

Type: DJ Stout, Michele Damato & more from TX, US

The typographic poster above, a new entry to our Typeface Design competition, was designed by Barrett Fry under…

Poster: João Machado & more from Southern Europe

The posters above were designed by João Machado from Porto, Portugal. The one on the left was designed for…

Photo: Jonathan Knowles & more from London

The Gold Award-winning photograph from Photography Annual 2015 above was shot by Jonathan Knowles with help from…

Type: Fermin Guerrero, Marcos Minini & more from South America

The typeface design above (left) was entered to our current Typeface Design competition by Fermin Guerrero of Typotheque…

Nudes: Entries from Gabriele Viertel & more from Western Europe

Gabriele Viertel of Eindhoven in The Netherlands shot the above photograph with a Canon 5D Mark II.    …

New Talent: Entries from Han Sung University in South Korea

The posters featured today are all new entries to the current New Talent Annual 2018 competition from…

Photo: Terry Heffernan & more from California

The above photograph is part of a Platinum Award-winning series submitted by Graphis Master Photographer Terry Heffernan…