The Civil War in Syria has lasted for more than nine years, long enough for many children to grow up without knowing peace. Graphis Master Wesam Mazhar Haddad illustrates the pain of the innocent growing up amongst such violence with “Cradle of Torture” (above, left). Dedicated to Alan Kurdi, the young Syrian boy who washed up on a beach in 2015, the poster depicts a baby’s body surrounded by a crown of thorns, reminiscent of stories from the New Testament. Haddad’s work immortalizes the death of this child as well as the 12,000 others who’ve lost their lives since the war started in 2011.
Boris Ljubicic, a Graphis Master from Croatia, points out the irony of the “United Nations” working toward peace when major nations involved only care for their own benefits. Boris and STUDIO INTERNATIONAL created “Human Rights/70 Years” (above, right) for the 70th anniversary of the UN. The poster shows two hands touching the tips of their index and middle fingers against a dark background. It illustrates the impossibility of meeting in the middle when one’s political gain is the motivator for certain UN representatives.