Whether they’ve won an award or are one of our amazing new entries, these posters are really making us think. With clever designs that perfectly encapsulate the designer’s idea, the likely success of these posters hold no bounds!
Our first poster, “Homage Milton Glaser” (above, left), was designed by John Gravdahl of the United States for BICéBe Bolivia. It was created as a way to commemorate the 91st anniversary of the life and times of the iconic Milton Glaser. Deserving of its Gold-Winner status, the poster uses fun typography honors to signify the great influence of Glaser on both his creative and professional descendants. The poster was a huge success, being a wonderful remembrance of Glaser’s life and accomplishments.
Another Gold Winner, “The Cell” (above, right), was designed by Yossi Lemel from Israel. In a very clever use of the homonym in the word “cell”, this poster depicts a cell phone with an image of a prison cell on the screen. This works as a commentary on how society has become prisoner to their cell phones and technology as a whole. Futhermore, the image is quite reminiscent of William Blake’s “London” in which he mentions “mind forg’d manacles.” The imprisonment of a cell phone as depicted in this poster is self-inflicted, and Lemel wants the viewer to question the current state of things with a thought-provoking design.