Advertising 2017: American South

Bill Connelly, art director at consistent Graphis award-winning agency Doe Anderson Advertising in Louisville, Kentucky, designed and submitted this entry to the Advertising Annual 2017. Other contributors from the South include Lewis Communications, Peter A. Mayer Advertising, Howard//Merrell, and High Tide Creative, among others.

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Scott Crowell of Red Racer Advertising in Dallas, Texas won a Gold Award in the Advertising Annual 2016 for the above ad (left). Craig Mikes of Proof Advertising (right) in Austin, Texas also won a Gold Award in Advertising Annual 2014.


Consistent winner Lewis Communications from Alabama submitted this entry, which won a Gold Award in Advertising Annual 2014.

The final deadline for the Advertising Annual 2017 competition is only 8 days away! Submit your best work of the year. 

Author: Graphis