Tag: Graphis Journal

Graphis Master Trevett McCandliss

A Glimpse Into Imagination: Graphis Master Trevett McCandliss Featured in Graphis Journal #376

Graphis Master Trevett McCandliss is a photographer and creative director whose photography work has won medals from…
Paul Garland designs

Bold, Colorful, & Graphic: Paul Garland Featured in Graphis Journal #376

Paul Garland was born in Somerset, England, and studied at Somerset College of Arts & Technology, Epsom…
Peter Bankov Designs

Design is Happiness: Peter Bankov Featured in Graphis Journal #376

Graphis Master Peter Bankov was born in Belarus to a family of artists. He studied in Minsk…
Photos by Hugh Kretschmer

Shooting From the Heart: Hugh Kretschmer Featured in Graphis Journal #376

At 13, Graphis Master Hugh Kretschmer was introduced to photography by his father, a photo-instrumentation engineer for…

Always Keep Working: DeVito/Verdi Featured in Graphis Journal #376

Recognized as one of the most exceptional creative agencies in the industry, DeVito/Verdi has been voted “Best…

Running Into Design: Carmit Makler Haller Featured in Graphis Journal #376

Graphis Master Carmit Makler Haller is a visual communications designer and the owner of Carmit Design Studio….

The Future of the Library: The Deichman Bjørvika Library Featured in Graphis Journal #367

Lundhagem and Atelier Oslo present the revolutionary Deichman Bjørvika Library in Oslo, Norway. Originally slated to open…

The Chair That’s Literally Impossible to Sit Still In: The sChaise Featured in Graphis Journal #367

Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk hunched forward over a screen, and you suddenly feel the…

In Sweden, Two Cabins Are Actually One: Höjhult House in Journal #375

Nestled atop a picturesque hill in the Skåne province of Sweden, two distinct timber cabins stand side…

Luxury by the Shore: Ishahayi Beach Villa by Studio Contra in Graphis Journal #375

Imagine a beach home embodying the perfect combination of luxury and simplicity for a nearly always hot…

Eco-Friendly Racing: Evija by Lotus Cars in Graphis Journal #375

By now, we all know that the world must reduce carbon emissions both dramatically and immediately. And…

Chewing the Fat: Theron Moore, Featured in Graphis Journal #375

“Students often come into class thinking that graphic design is about making cool stuff, and when they’re…