Photo: Gold-Winning Work by Graphis Master Christopher Wilson and Photographer Michael Mayo

Graphis Master Christopher Wilson wins gold once more, with a total of 32 Gold Awards and counting. Entitled “Maasai Warriors,” the series of portraits are Wilson’s latest entry for the Photography Annual 2019 (above). With this entry, Wilson obtains his ninth Gold Award for this annual in particular. The portraits were photographed in Tanzania for Smithsonian Magazine. Part of a larger, new campaign, the portraits focus on an indigenous tribe in Tanzania, formed of people who are warriors, protecters, and herders. The Maasai Warriors are in charge of protecting livestock from predators and enemies. Being a warrior is a vital role within their community because the Maasai are considered to be a cow culture and wealth is based on the number of cows one has. The portraits showcase their traditional attire, the stoic stance, and the severity of their responsibilities as warriors.

The Gold-winning entry by Michael Mayo for the Photography Annual 2017 focuses specifically on the Scion. Known for his captivating photographs of various well-known car models, Mayo incorporates his signature design style with this entry. He often utilizes the background and manipulates natural light in the shot, and continues to incorporate that with the design for “Ride the Full Pipe” (above). For the photograph, Mayo chose to take a humorous approach and target the nonconformist buyer, who wants to take their sports car to a new level. Evoking a playful atmosphere, he brings viewers to a skateboard park, with the experience of the full pipe on display. Serving as a fun and interesting self-promotion for Michael Mayo Photography, “Ride the Full Pipe” was also used in national advertising across the U.S. and Canada, prior to the car model being discontinued in 2016.

To submit your work to the upcoming Photography Annual 2020, enter HERE!

Author: Graphis

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