Author: Graphis

New Talent Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Art Institute of Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Professor Phil Bekker  continues to turn out great work from students at the  Art Institute of Atlanta….

Advertising Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Japan

Recruit Communications Co., Ltd.  from Japan created “The sparkle of youth” as an advertisement poster for the…

New Talent Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Art Center College of Design and California State University, Fullerton

  Benjamin Schwartz from Professor Gerardo Herrera’s class at the Art Center College of Design created “Santa…

Photography Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Germany

  A. Tamboly from Germany shot “Blue Man” to create a male beauty portrait with a dark ambience,…

New Talent Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Academy of Art University, California, United States

  Chin I Lee created the “Hummer H4” series in Professor Hunter Wimmer’s class at Academy of…

Advertising Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: California

  ARSONAL, based in California, created an ad series for “American Horror Story: Freak Show,” which took…

Photography Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Canada

  Colin Faulkner, a multiple Graphis award-winning photographer from Canada, shot “Hindmarch Bag” and “Rebecca Minkoff Bag…

New Talent Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Pennsylvania State University

Dan Lindsey from Professor Kristin Sommese’s class at Pennsylvania State University created “Experimental Image” in order to…

Photography Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Japan

Yagi Studio, based in Japan, created “Hyper Realism” and “Black Light,” two pieces from their two different…

New Talent Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Dankook University, South Korea

Lee Seung Min from Professor Hoon-Dong Chung’s class at Dankook University created his image “DRUGS” to comment…

Photography Annual 2016 Spotlight Submission: Great Britain

  Jonathan Knowles, a Graphis award-winning photographer from the UK, shot his “Givenchy Beauty” series for the Beauty and…

Annual Reports 2014/2015 Submission Spotlight: South Africa

Client: African Parks   Designer: Alinda Odendaal The Annual Reports designs of Alinda Odendaal  (image above) and Tarryn…