Graphis is honored to present the works of these wondrous Photographers in this week’s nudes spotlight
There are an endless amount of ways to capture the human form. It can either be revolting or alluring; shocking or pleasing; systematic or unique. But that is the beauty of nude photography—there is simply no single way to capture it or perceive it. Which is why there will never be an uninspiring way in which the body is captured.
Gabriele Viertel‘s Red Blanket (ABOVE), presents a baroque like composition that plays with dark tones and pale figures. It resembles the paintings of Rembrandt and other Northern Mannerism stylized works of the 17th century. It is alluring and yet painful, all at the same time. The chiaroscuro-like visualization is one that is both tantalizing and off-putting, denoting an almost malicious perspective. But nonetheless, there is a bizarrely motherly-like look to the photo, one that is offset by the intense reliance on shadow.