Have some spare time? Try a sip of these spirits. Check out these two new Design Annual 2022 entries that feature interesting new branding for products like quality liqueur and sporty watches.
Designer Antonio Rivera studied communication design at California State University, Chico before beginning his career as a design director at CF Napa Brand Design. Located in Napa, California, this design agency is world-renowned for its work in the wine, beer, and spirits industries, grounding itself in establishing an emotional connection between the product and the consumer. Rivera’s entry, “Fleur Charmante” (above), was designed for Blue Ridge Spirits and Wine Marketing. This branding includes elegant new packaging for the liqueur, a new logo, and a custom bottle. The shape of this bottle is beautiful and a fitting match to the delicate gold leaf label. Rather than having sharp edges, this design utilizes curves to its advantage, creating a brand design that is as luxurious as the product itself, and the cherry on top is the classic typography.