Student McCall Keller from Brigham Young University wins Gold with his entry for the New Talent Annual 2019. With the support of Instructor Adrian Pulfer, Keller was tasked with rebranding one of the biggest aircraft museums, the Pima Air Museum. Entitled “Pima Air Museum” (above), the seven-part series features ticket and pamphlet designs that resemble travel tickets or brochures. He drew inspiration from the typography commonly found in aerospace, in order to design the font used to display information. Keller was able to envision a new way to ensure museum visitors felt like pilots embarking on a new adventure.
The latest entry for the New Talent Annual 2020 comes from Professor Nagesh Shinde and student Ashley Ketcham for the University of Wisconsin Stout. Entitled “Let’s Ketchup” (above), Ketcham developed a personal brand campaign consisting of ketchup bottles. Inspired by the uncanny similarity between her last name and the word ketchup, she created a six-part series of ketchup bottle packaging. She incorporates wit and personal identity as part of self-advertising that can be found on the bottle labels. Ketcham’s bright sense of humor makes her entry stand out in the competition.
Submit your best student work to the New Talent Annual 2020! ENTER HERE.