No More Scratches: G1 Virtuoso Pool Table

Written by Maxim Sorokopud for Graphis Journal issue #380

Some products feel inherently unchangeable until they’re reinterpreted in a bold new fashion. The G1 Virtuoso pool table is the perfect example. Almost every pool table has roughly the same appearance, but not Elite Innovation’s pool table. Featuring a half-inch thick, CNC machined glass sheet, the G1 Virtuoso gives a whole new perspective on a classic design.

It’s reasonable to wonder if the G1 Virtuoso’s glass sheet playing area would change the dynamics of a game of pool. At first glance, it certainly looks as if pool balls would scrape and skid in unusual ways. These worries are unfounded, as Elite Innovations has created a surface that replicates the same resistance that an average cloth tabletop provides. Overall, this results in an experience that any pool player will find familiar despite the starkly unique design.

It’s easy to envisage the type of room that the G1 Virtuoso is perfectly suited to. For example, the hipster startup-style office, with exposed brick and prominent pipe shelving, could definitely be considered this product’s natural habitat. And it will also definitely strike a chord with those who enjoy minimalist environments.

Some of the most intriguing aspects of classic pool tables are the sounds they make after a player pots a shot. The clunking, rolling, and clacking noises that follow this event positively inspire the imagination. Just what is going on within? With the G1 Virtuoso, that process is no longer a mystery. A few may be dismayed to have lost this element of mystery, but the majority will be mesmerized every time a ball descends below the surface and races through to its repository.

The glass top absorbs attention so much that it’s easy to miss the other interesting differences that make the G1 Virtuoso stand out from the typical pool table. For example, the cue ball is not white but metallic, matching the shade of the ultra-rigid steel beams that prop the table up above its frame. In any other circumstance, this unusual cue ball would hardly be considered subtle; however, with this table, it’s something that supplements the overall product and unobtrusively reinforces the idea that the table is a product of industrial chic excellence.

One optional addition also gives the table a whole new feel and allows it to blend in with a wider range of environments. This is LED lighting, which strongly resembles neon tubing, that can be fitted along the edges and diagonally along the ball runs. Thanks to this addition, with the flick of a switch, the table transforms from a minimalist masterpiece to a retrofuturistic fixture. Other customization options further augment the appearance of the G1 Virtuoso. For instance, the edge of the table can be plated with either chrome or gold. However, the standard dark finish is no less impressive, with Elite Innovations describing it as hand-painted in a grand piano style “that most luxury cars would envy.”

At Elite, we have been designing and manufacturing high-end pool tables, working on high-end projects and high-net-worth clients since 2013. We work closely with you to create the ultimate pool tables customized to suit your home and your tastes. Regardless of the complexity, we make it happen.

We at Elite manage every stage of the ordering, manufacturing, and shipping process, providing what we call a true “white glove service.” With tables now in over twenty countries, we know what needs to be done to create the smoothest possible experience and are proud to offer such a personalized service.

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Author: Graphis