Graphis Master: Photographer Phil Bekker Knows How to Push His Students to Their Best

The Art Institute of Atlanta professor works tirelessly to ensure that the new crop of students match the photographer’s demanding creative needs

Graphis is honored to present the work of Atlanta-based photographer Phil Bekker. The Art Institute of Atlanta professor has worked tirelessly over the years to cultivate not only his personal photographic skills but also that of his students. Known for his high demands, Bekker pushes his students to reveal the very best of their inner artistic drive, seldom settling for anything less. From 1981, the Zimbabwe-born photographer has carved out a dedicated group of clients, including Bell South, CDC, Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz, Pierre Cardin, Ritz Carlton, Unilever, Zweigart, and much more.
Having moved to the United States some 40 years ago to pursue his Master of Fine Arts Degree, Bekker has established himself as a premier photographer. Now, armed with a podium and a teacher’s eye for talent, Bekker instills in his students the same mantras and professional beliefs that has seen him climb to the very top of the photography world.
The oft-Platinum award-winning instructor consistently works with his students to create tantalizing and narratively-driven work. From Departure (ABOVE, LEFT) to Blue Shoe (ABOVE, RIGHT), Bekker never settles for anything less than stunning work. It is a testament to the man’s drive to produce the next generation of renowned photographers. And that all begins with the New Talent Annual.
Be sure to check out Phil Bekker’s Master portfolio HERE to soak in some of his and his students’ most alluring work.
Author: Graphis