In September 2001, seven photojournalists founded VII, a collectively owned photography agency that was specifically designed to become one of the most efficient distributors of the world’s finest photojournalism. VII has relayed many of the images that have defined the turbulent opening years of the 21st century including photos of 9/11, the invasion and war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, and the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
Specializing in conflict photojournalism, VII photographers, including Ron Haviv, Antonin Kratochvil and James Nachtwey (who have all been previously featured in Graphis publications), document both the subtle and radical changes in society, as well as the development of international cultural institutions and practices. VII’s most recent newsletter includes the latest work from these and other photographers. For example, in his intimate portraits of malnourished mothers and children, Ron Haviv attempted to capture the resignation with which Bangladeshi families accept a chronically meager food supply. Similarly, Antonin Kratochvil chronicled the food-aid pipeline from the the American Midwest to the ports of Africa, revealing how substandard the current system was. In addition, James Nachtwey documented the nightmarish events that unfolded in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti.
VII Photo Agency photographers featured in Graphis: