From fragrances to food and even roadtrips, these award-winning photos from our 2022 photography competition prove that no subject is too boring, and that a great photographer can turn anything into a creative masterpiece.
Shot for Scentury Magazine, an online magazine all about perfumes, “Things of Beauty” (above, left) undertakes the difficult task of materializing the abstract within reality. Canadian photographer and Graphis Master Joseph Saraceno, along with creative director Wilson Wong, used an array of intriguing textures and hues to conjure the perfect visual representation of their fragrant subject. A broad rainbow of high-contrast lighting outlines the pillar-like figure at the center of the photo as it rises from the wood, fence-post like base, up through a rounded chunk of concrete, and finally upward to the rebar stem of a spiky, flower-like crown, all of which illuminates the rich, gold bottle of perfume at its front and center.
Photographer Stacey Brandford and stylists Emma Reddington and Eshun Mott highlight food that looks as good as it tastes in the platinum-winning photography series, “Holiday” (above, right), for House and Home Media. The images proceed through the courses of a mouthwatering holiday meal, from the place settings to the main course, all the way through to dessert. Each photograph features a delightful array of colors, primarily a striking shade of teal that works to tie the photos together, evoking both the graceful luxury of the setting and the delicious, hearty food it presents.

“Speedweek Heat” (above) is a gold-winning entry and is a part of photographer Jeff Camden’s personal project documenting his sprint across the country to participate in Speedweek, an Australian motorsport event. To get to the event, Camden traveled almost three hours by air and eight by road, photographing his trip along the way. Speedweek is Australia’s longest-running annual motorsport television program and features events ranging from drag racing to motorcycle competitions and even boating. Here, Camden captures a rare moment of stillness among the chaos, a pause in an event otherwise characterized by motion. The bright red car and blue umbrella stand solid against the sprawling, flat landscape, interrupted only by the small crest of distant mountains on the horizon. It’s Camden’s moment to briefly rest away from the heat before continuing on his long, exciting journey.
To see more Photography Annual 2022 winners, visit To enter our 2023 Photography competition, click here.