Tag: PPK

29 Creative Crusaders in the Fight for Oceans and Wildlife

Welcome back to our Environmental Awareness Series. Today, we honor Earth Day by celebrating creative initiatives in…

PPK Turns Shopping Into Sanctuary Support

PPK‘s campaign roared to success, blending the wild allure of Big Cat Rescue’s mission with philanthropic shopping…

Go Inside PPK’s Creative Force: Tom Kenney

In a recent Graphis Journal Q&A, Tom Kenney, a distinguished creative leader and owner of the Tampa-based…

Glory Days Grill NFL Kickoff Game Promotion

Ready for some football and free beer? PPK‘s award-winning advertising campaign for Glory Days Grill’s ‘NFL Kickoff…

Big Cat Bars + “Flying” Fish Sandwiches: Advertising 2022 Winners

The Early Bird deadline for our Advertising 2023 competition is tomorrow, so submit now and win big…

Solving Crimes on Mystery Road + Diving Into Deeper Learning: Advertising 2022 Winners

Designers and advertisers from around the world get their hands dirty, dive to new depths, and more…

War Games + Gold Rush Lottery: Advertising 2022 Winners

These award-winning ad firms from our Advertising 2022 competition weren’t playing around when designing and creating these…