It’s no secret that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made us all a bit restless. Looking to channel that energy into social justice but don’t know where to look? Start with some of our submissions for Protest Posters 2!
First up today is “Save Our Ship,” designed by Graphis Master Mark Hess of Hess Design Works in the United States. Hess has won over 200 awards throughout his design career from various clubs, organizations, and journals. This design was self-commissioned in order to show the dire situation of climate change on our planet and its wildlife. A polar bear stands on an iceberg, presumably rapidly melting, with lines showing the sea level and where it could be in twenty, forty, and even eighty years if we do not take action. At the bottom of the design the letters “SOS” sit under the water. Hess set out to make his design shocking in order to garner emotional appeal, and his poster was widely applauded upon reveal.
For our more history and politically-minded readers, next is “Home Sweet Home,” designed by Jeffrey Wolverton at Pentagram, a multidisciplinary, independently-owned studio in the United States, for the “We The People” project. The project is founded and run by Thoughtmatter, Mirko Illić, and The Constitutional Sources Project. The project focuses on bringing the Constitution, “a document made for the people, by the people, back to the people.” The image features a comically enlarged grenade resting on a recliner, with the Third Amendment of the Constitution overlaid over the design. Wolverton set out to design a reinterpretation of the Third Amendment, which prevents the quartering of U.S. soldiers in civilian homes. Wolverton was joined by fellow Pentagram designer DJ Stout, who served as the art director on the project.