With over 550 entries, our Packaging 10 competition was a resounding success! Though the competition may be over, we still want to share a couple of favorites with you.
“Parson Gin” (above) is an alcohol inspired by the creator’s Parson Russel terrier dog that spent most of his time in the popular rooftop bar managed by his owner. Out of love for his canine companion, who happened to be named Gin, the creator creating exceptional premium gin and named it after his dog. With delicious flavors such as Sunny (mango, pineapple, papaya, and passion fruit) and Grapy (grape jurka with a hint of juniper berries), the brand is perfect for experience hunters who want “to adventure into something special.”
The bottle packaging is something special too, and was designed by Slovenian design firm Trampolin Multidisciplinary Studio for Spirits of the Alps, a high end online alcohol boutique and the offical online distributor for Parson. No bottle is completely alike; not only do the label colors differ depending on the drink type, but so does the woodcut logo, featuring an adorable image of Gin the dog wearing various hats. Another clever bottle accent is the leather coller wrapped around the glass, on which hangs a dog tag baring the name of the drink. All together, the Parson Gin bottles tell the company’s story and are a tangible product for consumers that stands out amongst competitors.