Our latest New Talent 2023 competition submissions come straight from the drink cooler, with new student designers creating visual identities for different canned drinks.
Our first entry comes from Angeline Lim, a design student from the School of Visual Arts in New York. Her visual identity project, “Cecair” (above), aims to create a modern brand of traditional, canned Indonesian drinks. The word “cecair” itself means “drink,” and in her proposed brand design, Lim includes six unique flavors not found in the American beverage market: bajigur (a Sundanese sweet and savory drink made from coconut milk and palm sugar), kopi tubruk (a thick Indonesian-style coffee made by boiling coffee grounds with solid sugar), es dawet (an icy sweet drink that contains droplets of green rice flour jelly), bir pletok (a Betawinese drink made from several spices that has a distinctive red color) es teh manis (a sweet black jasmine tea served on the rocks), and wedang jahe (Indonesian ginger tea). By mixing both soft and loud colors with simplified, whimsical illustrations, Lim captures the core essence of each of these drinks, creating a visual identity that is both modern and distinctly Indonesian.