Nudes: Graphis Master Howard Schatz & more from Eastern U.S.

The Nudes5 competition continues to receive entries from a talented array of international Photographers! The deadline for the competition is October 3rd, 2017. Presented today are works from Graphis Master Howard Schatz, as well as submissions to our current competition.

The featured images, Human Body Studio #1320 and Anthology, left to right respectively, were both shot by Howard Schatz. The former is part of Schatz’s Master Portfolio on our website, which can be accessed here. The latter is an entry in our current Nudes5 competition.

The next photographs presented are also entries in our current competition. “Nude in Motion” (left) was shot by Jeffrey Apoian with a Nikon 85mm, Ektachrome. “Ariel at the Globe Dye” (right) was shot by Michael Wylot with a Canon 5d. More of Wylot’s series, as well as other fantastic submissions, can be seen on our website.
We hope to see your work in the competition! The earlier you enter, the greater your chances of being featured on our blog, website, and social media platforms.
Author: Graphis