Right: Image from Zuckerman’s latest book, “Bird”
In Graphis Photography Annual 2010, Andrew Zuckerman’s photograph of the late artist Andrew Wyeth is simultaneously simple and profound. But, more importantly, it aptly sums up the project it came to personify: Wisdom.
Inspired by the idea that one of the greatest gifts one generation can pass to another is the wisdom gained from experience, Zuckerman’s Wisdom project collected knowledge from scores of men and women — from Clint Eastwood and Sen. Edward Kennedy to Willie Nelson and Billie Jean King.
Of course, candid images of all the participants (taken with everyone in front of a stark white background) litter the book. Zuckerman did this purposely, to take his subjects out of their original context and democratize their wisdom.
The result of the book is staggering, but that’s nothing new for Zuckerman. Whether he is photographing rarely seen birds, cityscapes across the world, or even food, Zuckerman has a knack for making us look at everyday objects with a fresh perspective.
To see or read more of Andrew Zuckerman’s work, click here.