It takes a fresh set of eyes to introduce new angles to art. Discover two New Talent entries and the unique perspectives they bring to their fields!
“Nike RISE” (above) is a conceptual fitness training app by Sam Verdine from Brigham Young University. With the help of Professor Doug Thomas, Verdine introduced customizable app themes with bright colors in their design in order to appeal to young athletes.
“Nike RISE” takes advantage of the entire app screen with its minimalistic aesthetic, leaving plenty of space to give the impression that there’s always room for the young athletes to grow. Verdine’s project takes a popular market – fitness training apps – and successfully directs it toward an untapped marketing source in America’s athletic youth.
Yet another fresh face to our New Talent Competition is Kaylen Couch with their intriguing portrait (above). Professor Dusty Crocker tasked the young Texas Christian University student with expressing their own taste in style and uniqueness in a duo of portraits.
Couch focuses on the concept of beauty, blending it with their own view of what beauty is by juxtaposing delicate flowers laid bare on a young girl’s neck. Couch finds the powerful muscles in the girl’s throat to be what’s beautiful in the portrait, rather than the flowers.
Both young artists freshen up their fields with new perspectives – Verdine with a new niche marketing audience, and Couch with their own ideas of beauty.