Category: Award Winners

Read blog entries about Graphis award winners and their spectacular design work to learn from the pros and get inspired to create.

Photo: Gabriele Viertel & more from Western Europe

Photographer Gabriele Viertel dazzled us in the Photography Annual 2016 competition with his wispy, dreamlike shot, titled “the…

Poster: Thiago Lacaz, Marcos Minini & more from Brazil

The Gold Award-winning poster above (left) was entered by Thiago Lacaz of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil for client Quintavant/…

Photo: Robert Tardio, Marcin Muchalski & more from NY

The beautiful still life photograph of the roses above was taken by Photographer Robert Tardio with the…

Branding: Entries from lg2 & more from Canada

Claude Auchu, David Kessous, and Philippe Cossette of lg2 in Montreal, Canada designed the above Gold Award-winning…

Poster: Matthias Hofmann, Fons Hickmann & more from Western Europe

The Poster above (left) was submitted to our Poster Annual 2019 competition by Matthias Hofmann of in Luzern,…

Nudes: Christopher Wilson & more from the USA

The Silver Award-winning portrait above was entered to the Photography Annual 2016 competition by Christopher Wilson of…

Photo: Entries from Michael Mayo & more from Texas

The hilarious Gold Award-winning photograph above was submitted to the Photography Annual 2017 by Michael Mayo. A self-promotional…

New Talent: Phil Bekker, Lynda Green & more from Art Institute of Atlanta

The entry above (left) was submitted to the New Talent Annual 2016 competition by Professor Phil Bekker and…

Design: Eduard Cehovin, Carlo Fiore & more from Southern Europe

The Design Annual 2017 Silver Award-winning William Shakespeare poster above (left) was designed by Eduard Cehovin of design…

Type: Entries from McCandliss & Campbell, Hong Won Choi & more from NY, US

The above typography design was submitted to our Typography4: Type in Use competition by Trevett McCandliss and…

Poster: Jisuke Matsuda, Mayumi Kato, Yusuke Sano & more from Japan

The colorful poster above (left) won a Platinum Award in Poster Annual 2016. Designed by Jisuke Matsuda of…

Photo: Colin Faulkner, Pierre Bourjo & more from Canada

The photograph above (left) was submitted to the Photography Annual 2015 competition by Colin Faulkner and won…